To gain from or off of another human being against their will and without their consent. This includes energetically, spiritually and psychologically which most people do not realize and are not aware of. We cannot end human trafficking by only seeing one form and ignoring the broader picture and the depth of what it encompasses.

The most basic definition of human trafficking currently used is the forced use of a person, against their will, for the purposes of financial or power gain. The most understood forms of human trafficking are sex trafficking, child pornography and forced labor/slavery.  Adults and children can be trafficked or enslaved and forced to sell their bodies for sex. People are also trafficked or enslaved for labor exploitation, for example: to work on a farm or factory or to work in a house as a servant, maid or nanny with little or no pay and inhumane living conditions or treatment. The key with human trafficking is that all these things are done AGAINST THE PERSON’S WILL. The number one form of human trafficking in the world is the trafficking of babies and children for the purposes of sex, torture and the harvesting of adrenochrome from their blood. This can’t exist anymore and must be stopped.

The top 10 cities for human trafficking in the US in 2021 were as follows:

1.      Houston Texas 3,634

2.      New York, New York 3,074

3.      Los Angeles, California 2,803

4.      Washington DC 2,730

5.      Chicago Illinois 2,098

6.      Las Vegas, Nevada 1,498

7.      Atlanta, Georgia 1,497

8.      Columbus, Ohio 1,466

9.      Dallas, Texas 1,380

10.   San Diego, California 1,333


And these are only the identified victims in each city, leaving MANY MANY uncounted for, resulting in MUCH higher numbers.

Each year, an estimated 1.2 MILLION children disappear due to human trafficking in the United States alone, and the estimated number globally is over 4 million. This is an atrocity that can not exist on our planet. How on earth do 1.2 MILLION children go missing each year and every human being in the world is not standing outside searching for these kids? Unacceptable in our opinion, and the reason we work so hard to bring an end to this madness once and for all.


So….now that we know the most common definition of human trafficking, let’s look at some hidden ways that Human Trafficking occurs.

1.      Indigenous People’s treatment, and near eradication of their culture and children using forced boarding schools, colonization, forced poverty, removal of rights, genocide, unfair labor practices, and much more throughout history continuing today.  Last year alone, more than 11,000 children’s bodies were discovered underneath catholic churches and boarding schools in Canada. This year begins the search in the US, and it is expected that there will be far more found. This is human trafficking.


2.      Minimum wage in the US not being a livable wage. The current minimum wage, when assessed next to the cost of living, forces those struggling below the poverty line to remain below the poverty line and increases the chances of more future generations of poverty. When a family cannot afford a safe place to live or enough food to survive while working 40 hours a week, that’s human trafficking. The companies are benefitting financially off the backs of people who cannot afford to survive, but are forced to stay in these jobs because they cannot afford a higher education or training to obtain a higher paying job. Survival of the “richest” is the name of the game. We all are supposed to have equal rights, but only 1% of us start life knowing ANY of the rules of the game, or that we’re even in one! That creates a bit of trafficking….


3.      CPS.  One of the most overlooked avenues of human trafficking in the US is the foster care system. Children are forcibly removed from their homes, under the guise of being protected, and are placed into the overcrowded foster care system. Each year more than 70% of children in foster care homes report abuse and neglect from their foster parents, with the highest reported complaint being sexual abuse, while only 1% of foster parents or social workers responsible for these children ever face charges. Each month, “waiting children” are paraded down a runway for “potential parents” to choose from. These kids have been returned from their previous adoptive placement when the parents decide the child is no longer a good fit. There are NO regulations regarding who can assume the new role as parent, and these children are often advertised on websites and blogs for “available kids”. These kids also come with a stipend from the state which increases the risk that they will be sought out for the wrong reasons. Now let’s add that it’s estimated that 60% of children removed from their natural parents are removed without JUSTIFIABLE reason (sometimes because mom and dad didn’t have enough food in the cabinets but instead of helping the parents, they took the kids and paid SOMEBODY ELSE 1500$$ a month to abuse the kids) and CPS can’t be sued.


4.      Mandatory Public Education. I know this one sounds controversial, but ….when schools are paid tens of thousands of dollars each year to educate and protect children, yet the suicide and bullying rate of children in schools is SKYROCKETING (while nothing is done by the schools or the states) something is wrong. Just this year, between January 1, 2022 and May 1, 2022 200+ educators were charged with sexual assault and sexual misconduct with a child. Parents are forced to send their children to school or face court, fines, and the removal of their children, but children are NOT safe in schools and NOT protected, and very minimally educated at best.  Let’s not talk about the shootings.


5.      Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry. Billions of dollars made each year from the sale and processing of aborted fetal tissue, paid for by most state insurance, and PUSHED on girls and women as the number 1 choice when facing an unplanned pregnancy. They are not told the truth about the procedure nor what will be done with the baby, therefore it’s against their will. Then there’s the information coming out about the use of fetal cells in food for flavor enhancing. I’m guessing no one was told about that when they went in to handle an unplanned pregnancy.


6.      The Prison/Justice system. In 2021, 47,000 men and women were released from jail after having served more than 5 years for a minor marijuana charge. NONE had a prior criminal history and NONE showed violent behavior. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. People are removed forcibly from their families and lives, placed in prisons, and NEVER rehabilitated or healed. The United States has some of the highest recidivism rates in the world. According to the National Institute of Justice, almost 44% of criminals released return before the first year out of prison, yet the prison system makes MILLIONS each year off the labor of the prisoners they’re “serving”.

And also….


  1. Trauma based mind control through the use of parapsychology and Astral projection.

  2. Mkultra/nazi energy harvesting through ley lines, energy hubs, portals and elementals

  3. Satanic rituals and the ritual abuse of children

    (We work in all the layers)


So now that we see a few more avenues of trafficking, what can be done?

A lot.

It all ends when everyone sees it – because as soon as everyone sees the ways that everyone is being trafficked, we can ALL stop it. We cannot fight an invisible fight; we must bring it to the light first. We don’t end the elite pedophile ring by telling them to stop doing it, that hasn’t worked in the past and doesn’t work now. We end this by taking away the REASON that it exists and that’s because it’s profitable!! Trafficking takes place because the elite gain money, power, and control through it. When everyone can see how it’s happening, where, when and why, it will end. People will no longer be a power source for the elite. If we stop participating in it, we take away its profitability. Then of course, there’s the healing that will need to take place for everyone that has suffered in it for so long. That’s the most important step, but first WE MUST SEE IT.